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There are many benefits of horseback riding for your health. Those who ride competitively know that horseback riding is a physically challenging and rewarding activity. Additionally, interaction with horses is believed to have therapeutic effects. This has resulted in the rise of an experiential therapy called horse therapy or equine-assisted therapy, which involves interactions between patients and horses to treat conditions such as substance abuse, mental illness, and autism.A horseback riding lesson will not provide the same benefits as horse therapy. A certified mental health professional must be present at horse therapy sessions in order for the therapy to be...

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It’s a bit hard to find to find in shops and markets but there are so many ways to source fresh produce straight from farmers these days. The whole fruit is edible and it is super sweet and tasty once it is ripe! It has a juicy, sweet, sour taste. You can turn it into a jam or a pickle if you’d like to store it for longer. Each fruit contains on average 26.2 kcal, 6.2 kcal of carbohydrate, 2.5g of dietary fibre, 0.3g of fat, 3.6g of sugar and 0.9g of protein. Carambola fruit is an extremely low-calorie fruit...

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Fortunella Japonica, most commonly known as Kumquat is one among the remarkably diminutive members of the citrus family. It tastes sour with a dash of sweetness. The juicy pulp of kumquat contains centrally placed tiny green seeds that ought to be removed before consumption. Despite being extremely small, this orange-like fruit is a goldmine of nutrition.Native to South-eastern parts of mountainous China, kumquats are available in four different varieties namely the Nagami kumquat, Marumi kumquat, Meiwa kumquat and Hong Kong Wild. All the four varieties of the kumquat trees and fruits may have slightly different taste and shape; however, the...

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Proven Health Benefits of Atemoya are numerous, therefore, atemoya contains great nutritional value indispensable for the general health of the body. In addition, atemoya was obtained in the early twentieth century from crosses in Florida (United States), South Africa and Israel between the ata (as the pine cone is also known) and an Andean fruit called cherimoya. Atemoya is a hybrid fruit that is obtained by crossing the cherimoia (Annona cherimola, Mill) with the pineapple (Annona squamosa, L.), belonging to the family of the anonaceae – the same as the graviola. The origin of atemoya is from Australia.Atemoya Can be...

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Ever Heard of the Loquat Fruit?Benefits of Loquat fruit includes lowers blood pressure, may lower risk of cancer, helps calm respiratory system, an immunity booster, helps you lose weight/aids digestion, a brain protector, keeps cholesterol at healthy levels, promotes bone health, great for the circulatory system, helps diabetics, great for eyesight, helps lower inflammation and excellent for healthy diets.13 Amazing Health Benefits of Loquat Fruit1. Lowers Blood PressureThe loquat fruit contains lots of potassium, which helps dilate blood vessels in the cardiovascular system. In this manner, you can reduce the strain and stress that is put onto the blood vessels...

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