4 Amazing Benefits Of Kumquat

4 Amazing Benefits Of Kumquat

Fortunella Japonica, most commonly known as Kumquat is one among the remarkably diminutive members of the citrus family. It tastes sour with a dash of sweetness. The juicy pulp of kumquat contains centrally placed tiny green seeds that ought to be removed before consumption. Despite being extremely small, this orange-like fruit is a goldmine of nutrition.

Native to South-eastern parts of mountainous China, kumquats are available in four different varieties namely the Nagami kumquat, Marumi kumquat, Meiwa kumquat and Hong Kong Wild. All the four varieties of the kumquat trees and fruits may have slightly different taste and shape; however, the nutritional values they host are quite similar.
Kumquat – Health Benefits
Innumerable kumquat health benefits have been recognized and confirmed by medical professionals and health experts. Listed below are some of them:

1. Antioxidant Protection
Kumquats fruits are innately rich in vitamin C, a water soluble substance responsible for fighting infection causing organisms in your system. It penetrates deep into the cell membrane and protects it from bacterial and viral agents. An adequate daily intake of vitamin C also ensures you a problem free heart, stroke prevention, and reduced risks of osteo-arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
2. Cancer Prevention
Packed with essential flavonoids such as carotenoids, lutein, tannins, zeaxanthin and tannins, kumquats have a great potential to act as efficient anti-cancer agents. These flavonoids weed out carcinogens, resisting the growth of tumor. With sufficient flavonoids inside, your system is resistant enough to fight cancer-causing agents and destructive microbes.
3. Rich Source of Minerals
This succulent fruit is an excellent source of iron, potassium and copper and various other minerals necessary for the optimal functioning of your body. Iron and copper boost the production of oxygen-carrying RBCs, ensuring the optimum delivery of oxygen to all body parts. Potassium contributes to the maintenance of a normal heart-rate and blood-pressure level.
4. Benefits of Kumquat Peel
Like the fruit, the kumquat peel too is highly nutritious. It possesses substances like limonene, pinene, a-bergamotene and caryophylleneare. It inhibits the growth of cancer cells. Treatment of gallstones and alleviation of heartburn are some other health benefits of kumquat peel.
Kumquat Nutritional Value
So how potent are these “baby oranges” in the nutritional department? This tiny citrus fruit deserves to be a part of your routine diet. Your system merits the wholesome goodness of kumquat!
umquat is a powerhouse of vitamins. A nutritional database provided by USDA refers that a 100g serving of this fruit holds modest quantities of vitamin C (73%), A (10%) and K (1%). The aforementioned vitamins are extremely crucial for the smooth functioning of the bodily systems.
Furthermore, it is also rich in a number of vital minerals such as iron, calcium, zinc, copper and much more. This fabulous citrus fruit can be a great diet alternative to supplement the consumption of dietary fibers as kumquat offers a whopping 17% of dietary roughage per 100g serving.