10 Interesting Benefits of Tomato: Plump Up with Essential Nutrients

10 Interesting Benefits of Tomato: Plump Up with Essential Nutrients

A fruit that’s often treated as a vegetable, the tomato in Indian food is used in most preparations, its benefits far surpassing its usage. A native to southern and central America, this fruit, which belongs to the nightshade family, is packed with nutritious values. Incidentally, when the Europeans came across it, they thought it to be a poisonous berry! We could give the Spanish credit for taking the tomato to the world – they introduced it in Europe and Philippines from where it spread to the rest of Southeast Asia. Today, India is the largest producer of tomatoes. And while it comes mostly in red, the tomato is also available in different colours – including purple! Tomatoes are rich in natural vitamins and minerals, including Vitamin A, K, B1, B3, B5, B6, B7, and vitamin C. It also has folate, iron, potassium, magnesium, chromium, choline, zinc, and phosphorus. And how can you make the most of this fruit?Read on  to find out.
Here are 10 benefits of tomatoes that you may not have known

1. Good for the Skin and Hair

Given the rising levels of pollution, our skin and hair end up bearing a lot of brunt. Incorporating tomatoes in your regular diet actually helps to battle the wear and tear our skin goes through. Tomatoes contain lycopene, which is also used for facial cleansers. And apart from eating them as salad, you can also peel the tomatoes, and use the skin as a mask on your face. It cleanses and refreshes your skin. And the Vitamin A in tomatoes protects your hair from external damages as well!(Also Read: 5 Amazing Ways To Use Apple Cider Vinegar For Beautiful Skin)
2. It’s Anti-Carcinogenic

The Lycopene in tomatoes is reported to control the growth of cancer cells, especially prostate, stomach, and colorectal cancer. If you cook tomatoes, the production of lycopene actually increases, so you can curry it as much as you like.
3. Good for Your Bones

Did you know that tomatoes are loaded with Vitamin K and Calcium? According to United States Department of Agriculture, hundred grams of tomatoes contain 110 mg of calcium. That means your bones stay strong as long as you eat tomatoes.
4. Repairs Damages from Smoking

Kiwi is known to help our system when we quit smoking. But the coumaric acid and chlorogenic acid in tomatoes help to protect the body from the adverse effects of cigarette smoke, and that includes passive smokers as well.
5. It’s a Great Anti-Oxidant

Tomatoes are a good source of Vitamin A and Vitamin C. And these two components help the body to get rid of harmful free radicals in our blood. However, to absorb Vitamin C into the system, the tomatoes need to be eaten raw, so bring on the salads.

6. It Helps Your Heart

Now tomatoes might not help to heal a broken heart, but the Vitamin A, Vitamin B and potassium in them help to decrease your cholesterol levels and blood. In the long run, it can prevent heart related diseases. So start loading up on tomatoes today.
7. Controls Blood Sugar

Tomatoes are known to have a mineral called chromium. And did you know that chromium works in keeping blood sugar levels in check? So for those who have diabetes, or the history of it in the family, it’s a good fruit to include in your diet.
8. Activates Digestion

Tomatoes help to improve the digestive system, and the liver. Tomatoes are loaded with fibre which helps prevents constipation too. So if you've eaten a bit too much or something too spicy, bite into a small ripe tomato at the end of the meal!
9. Works on Your Immunity

Loaded with vitamin C, fresh tomato juice is brilliant when it comes to boosting your immunity levels. The vitamin C in it also controls the increase of stress hormones, and helps your body to remain energised, and healthy.
10. It Helps to Burn Fat

If you are on diet, now is the time to include tomatoes as part of your daily regime. Tomatoes encourage the production of the amino acid called Carnitine, which is reported to enhance the body’s fat burning ability to at least 30 percent, if not more.